
Au2mate has been nominated for the FoodTech Award

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03 October 2022 | Au2mate A/S

Au2mate CIP Data Analysis has been nominated for the FoodTech Awards.
We are very excited about the nomination and look forward to the show where it will be announced which of the nominees will win the award.

You can read more about the competition and see who else has been nominated here:

You can also read more about our Data Analysis on our website:

This article is written by:

Au2mate A/S

Au2mate develops and delivers complete automation solutions with special focus on process optimisation and minimising waste, energy consumption, and carbon footprints. Our solution designs emphasise a high level of user-friendliness, operational reliability, and optimal use of Industry 4.0 technologies to safeguard your investment. We offer training programmes for both operating and technical staff at our training centre, Au2mate Academy, and competent support via our 24/7 Hotline. Au2mate – your partner and provider of quality solutions and guarantor of the optimal performance of your process

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Meet us at FoodTech

Jacob C. Jensen

Au2mate A/S

At the exhibition

Jacob C. Jensen

Erik Søndergaard

Divisional Sales Director MES & Digitalisation

Au2mate A/S

At the exhibition

Erik Søndergaard

Eva Stanell

Service and training Manager

Au2mate A/S

Eva Stanell

Heidi Ravn

Au2mate A/S

At the exhibition

Heidi Ravn

Bent Agergaard

Au2mate A/S

Bent Agergaard

Torben Pedersen

Au2mate A/S

Torben Pedersen

Lars Linnet

Au2mate A/S

Lars Linnet

Rasmus Therkelsen

Au2mate A/S

Rasmus Therkelsen

Benn Nyborg

Au2mate A/S

Benn Nyborg

Kristina Sønderskov

Au2mate A/S

Kristina Sønderskov
